Friday, April 23, 2010

FarmVille Tips for Novice Farmers

Are you a novice farmer here in FarmVille? There’s no need to worry anymore. Here in Bryan’s Blog, we do some Special FarmVille Tips for Vovice Farmers. No need to search for another site, just read the FarmVille Tips for Novice Farmers below and I assure you that by your next visit in FarmVille, you will be astounded upon visiting your farm. You’ll be happy and will keep on farming to obtain more experience and gain level-ups. As I said earlier, being a novice is not a problem here. Actually, we all start as a novice in the first place. For novice farmers, a helpful FarmVille Tips are given here. These will serve as a guide for all of you. Don’t be ashamed on yourself, maybe by understanding the tips, you will be top farmer in FarmVille in the next days.

Join a FarmVille Group

Being in a group is very essential for you. You can immediately add them to make them your neighbors. It will enable you to expand and especially, as you visit the farm of your neighbors, you will earn EXP and coins. They are capable in sending gifts to you and in return, you’re also capable in giving back gifts to them.

Create a separate feed for your Farmville friends

We are very lucky farmers, that Facebook gives us the chance to set up multiple friend lists and therefore we can generate a separate news feed for our Farmville friends only. The advantage to this is all of your Farmville friends will post when they level up or find a rare animal on their farm. The separate feed makes it easier to grab bonuses in FarmVille.

Use All the Space for Crops in the Beginning

There is no need to bother with such decorations when you are starting out. You must save your coins and engulf to activities which are gaining some profit. This will be your advantage. There are plenty of levels and there are much better gifts to unlock on later levels.


Hey guys! Want to know about the FarmVille Secrets? Or are you curios about what are the FarmVille Secrets? You’re in the right track! You can read about the FarmVille Secrets here. There’s nothing to pay for, it is all for FREE! Some are selling these renowned FarmVille Secrets but for you who are following my blog, it’s absolutely free. The only thing you will do is to click the link below to download the file. Be ready on what are the FarmVille Secrets, surely you’ll be surprised about the content. Learn the FarmVille Secrets here. Continue subscribing to Bryan’s Blog to be updated to the latest happening in the world of facebook game applications.


PDF reader

Download Farmville Secrets 1
Download Farmville Secrets 2


Famers! I miss you all. I have another glitch on your favorite facebook game Farmville. Want to know how this work? Well, I had researched for that only for you guys. It is a cheat on having a multiple chicken coop for free! This would be beneficial to all of you farmers. I am very sure of that! Just continue on subscribing to Darwin’s Blog to be updated to the latest facebook game hack/cheats. This glitch really works. I tried it myself! Just follow the instructions on the video. The video tutorial will show you how to receive multiple chicken coops by expanding your storage buildings. Try it now, since zynga will be trying to quickly fix this glitch.


Wondering about the Mystery Boxes in Farmville? Farmers would be so happy when they would get one from their farmland. Mystery Box itself is mysterious; you don’t what’s inside that box. The sure thing is you’ll get surprised the first time you’ll know the thing inside. Whatever it is, you’ll get excited upon seeing a mystery box. This Hack Tip will give you free mystery boxes. Continue subscribing to Bryan’s Blog to be updated to the latest facebook game cheats/hacks.

Just click on the Link below to get your free mystery boxes.

Basically the trick to this is ADDING a '0' before the '13' you see at the end of the url.
Example: h
ttp:// ,,,
add a " 0 " to make it promoID=013 for your second link,,,
0013 for your third and so on.. So add your own ZEROS to get even more mysteryboxes!


Hey farmers, want some Hack Tip? Farmville conquered every facebook fan’s time, busy playing the game or rather farming in his/her farmland. It’s like having an actual experience on how to farm. There would curious farmers that will come to think about another way of enjoying this game. Then a need for a cheat would arise because of this curiosity. No wonder I am making posts about facebook game cheats. Here’s another Hack Tip for you guys. Today’s Hack Tip is much complicated than the other ones. Just carefully follow the instructions to make this work. Continue subscribing to Bryan’s Blog to get the latest update on your favorite facebook game cheats.

Tools needed:
* Fiddler2 (Google this)
* .NET Framework 2.0 (Google this)

1. Open this url "" on your browser and save it in your desktop. (Ctrl+S to save)
2. Go to desktop and right click on game Settings. Click Open with and choose Wordpad
Find the word dairy farm. (CTRL+F to find), the word dairy farm must be in this line:

4. Below the line bull, add the item name you want to hack. For example, you want to hack Dancing Snow lady (snowman dancing), put this under the line bull.

Find the word "snowman dancing" (CTRL+F to find) and edit its price and its type.

Then after that, save it. (Ctrl+S to save)
Now open Fiddler2. On the right side of it, click AUTORESPONDER.
Check the boxes; Enable automatic request and Permit pass-through for unmatched request. Then click Add...
Now on Rule Editor (below), paste this -> "regex:(?insx)^http://.*game Settings\.xml$" Then
click the dropdown arrow and click Find a file... Then select game Settings found in your desktop.
(the file you edited earlier.)
Then click Save.
Now go to Farmville.
Go to Market on the Animal Section and buy the item you hacked. Put it inside your Dairy farm.
Now visit a friend and go back home. Click your Dairy farm and move out the item you hacked. (You can refresh your page if you want too)
*If you build the item on the ground and nothing appears, just visit a neighbor or refresh your page.
*Once you edit the price of the item. Edit this part. Ex. manorblack type="building" edit it to

type="animal". Then edit the price.
*If you see this market="cash" on the line, erase it.
*If you messed your xml file or your fv don’t fully load, clear cache/cookies and start at step 1.


Farmers, get ready to farm new seeds! Farmville is getting way too exciting with the latest upgrades. I know all of the farmers want some Hack Tip for this game application. After the long wait farmers, I have here now the latest Time Exploit Hacks in Farmville. Who would not want this? Well, I don’t know who. But I am very concerned to the farmers who will need this. Want to be updated to the latest cheats/hacks? Just continue subscribing to Bryan’s Blog to get the latest facebook game cheats/hacks. Follow the instructions correctly to get results.

-Firefox 3.5
-File named saqib244b [Link]
-image instructions [Link]


1. Go into farmville
2. Open New Tab and write "about:cache?" on URL Address Bar and Hit Enter ( w/o quotes )
3. Then , Click "List Cache Entries" under Disk Cache Device menu ( the second one )
4. Press CTRL+F , and search for price_test
5. Click on the Entry
6. Ok .. Now , on the 7th row/line , You can read file on disk
7. Copy last digits at end of line i-e cache\471xxxxxxxx . (copy number starting with 471xxxxxxxx)
8. Ok , Back to the file , Rename the file saqib244b to 471xxxxxxxxx
9. Search your computer for name of your file or you can manualy go to C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\np85hx1l.default\Cache
10. Replace the file with the new one (471xxxxxxxx)
11. Refresh the game


Curious about the game Farmville? FarmVille is a real-time farm simulation game developed by Zynga, available as an application on the social networking website Facebook. The game allows members of Facebook to manage a virtual farm by planting, growing and harvesting virtual crops, trees, and raising livestock. It’s very enjoying game, that’s why it is very popular now with facebook fans. Today’s Hack Tip is all about FarmVille Golden Chicken Cheat, I know most of you are confused on how other FarmVille farmers do get a golden chicken in their farms. Just follow the instructions below to get one.


* Firefox 3.5
* Charles (google it)
* 2 Dairy Farm
* 1 Chicken Coop


1. Go to Farmville
2. Drag/Put a cow on your 1st Dairy Farm (leave the 2nd dairy farm empty)
3. Open Charles, Then find this line "" (X = 0, 1, or 2)
4. Click/Expand that line and you should get the gateway.php
5. Right Click on first "gateway.php" and Select "breakpoint”, Then, Refresh the game [F5]
6. Breakpoints tab will pop-up, so click EXECUTE
7. When the second pop-up appears, make sure you click "Edit Response" then choose AMF
8. Expand/Click the line till you get "player”, see below image (click for bigger view)

9. You change the cash to 100
10. Click Session 1 tab and unchecked breakpoint on gateway.php
11. Ok, back to Breakpoints tab, Click EXECUTE
12. Wow! You will notice that you have 100 cash on farmville
13. Click on your 1st Dairy Farm > Look Inside > Use
14. Drag/Move the cow to the second dairy Farm
15. Go Visit Your Friends and return back to your farm
16. Now, you will notice the second farm is ready to harvest, Give distance/space between the farmer and the second Dairy Farm
17. Click the Second Farm and then collect the milk
18. While your farmer moving to the dairy farm, you click market and purchase the golden chicken
19. Wait till the farmer harvest the milk to 100% and put the chicken directly to the chicken coop.
20. Wait till the sync error popped-up, and click Accept
21. You should get a golden chicken on your chicken coop after refreshing the game