Friday, April 23, 2010


Hey farmers, want some Hack Tip? Farmville conquered every facebook fan’s time, busy playing the game or rather farming in his/her farmland. It’s like having an actual experience on how to farm. There would curious farmers that will come to think about another way of enjoying this game. Then a need for a cheat would arise because of this curiosity. No wonder I am making posts about facebook game cheats. Here’s another Hack Tip for you guys. Today’s Hack Tip is much complicated than the other ones. Just carefully follow the instructions to make this work. Continue subscribing to Bryan’s Blog to get the latest update on your favorite facebook game cheats.

Tools needed:
* Fiddler2 (Google this)
* .NET Framework 2.0 (Google this)

1. Open this url "" on your browser and save it in your desktop. (Ctrl+S to save)
2. Go to desktop and right click on game Settings. Click Open with and choose Wordpad
Find the word dairy farm. (CTRL+F to find), the word dairy farm must be in this line:

4. Below the line bull, add the item name you want to hack. For example, you want to hack Dancing Snow lady (snowman dancing), put this under the line bull.

Find the word "snowman dancing" (CTRL+F to find) and edit its price and its type.

Then after that, save it. (Ctrl+S to save)
Now open Fiddler2. On the right side of it, click AUTORESPONDER.
Check the boxes; Enable automatic request and Permit pass-through for unmatched request. Then click Add...
Now on Rule Editor (below), paste this -> "regex:(?insx)^http://.*game Settings\.xml$" Then
click the dropdown arrow and click Find a file... Then select game Settings found in your desktop.
(the file you edited earlier.)
Then click Save.
Now go to Farmville.
Go to Market on the Animal Section and buy the item you hacked. Put it inside your Dairy farm.
Now visit a friend and go back home. Click your Dairy farm and move out the item you hacked. (You can refresh your page if you want too)
*If you build the item on the ground and nothing appears, just visit a neighbor or refresh your page.
*Once you edit the price of the item. Edit this part. Ex. manorblack type="building" edit it to

type="animal". Then edit the price.
*If you see this market="cash" on the line, erase it.
*If you messed your xml file or your fv don’t fully load, clear cache/cookies and start at step 1.

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