Friday, April 23, 2010

Updated Farmville Coin and Level Hack - unpatched and faster than the previous coin hack | Facebook Cheats

Updated Farmville Coin and Level Hack. This Facebook Hack is more of a glitch. As of the moment it is unpatched and still works. Try it before Zynga patches it.

Here are the tools you need:
Storage - 2 Red barn OR 1 barn 1 Tool Shed (Must have more than six so we can have next page on storage)
Any Item(Preferred Villa) higher the price the more exp and coins(*But first try this on lower price item to check if working)

1.Open Farmville
2.Store Villa to storage.(Make sure villa is on the lower panel of storage)
3.Click the storage building and click "Look inside"
4.Select Villa and click Use. (Don't do anything yet!)(Make sure Villa is in transparent mode and not yet positioned on the map)
5.Click Gift Box and select Storage box
6.You will see that Villa is still there.
7.Now Select Villa and click Sell.
8.A confirmation will popup.Don't click anything yet!
9.Click next page of storage then click back page again to see the Sell button of villa is enabled again. Then Click Sell Again.(Then Do step 9 as many as you want or use mouse clicker to automate or spam)
10.After you are satisfied click accept. you will notice that confirmation popup keep prompting again and again just click accept and look at your coins.
11.When done.
12.You will see that you are still holding the Villa.
13.Now put the villa directly on the storage.(See that you still have the Villa in the storage but you gain EXP and Coins)
14.Do it over and over again to gain coins then sell villa to level up.

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