Curious about the game Farmville? FarmVille is a real-time farm simulation game developed by Zynga, available as an application on the social networking website Facebook. The game allows members of Facebook to manage a virtual farm by planting, growing and harvesting virtual crops, trees, and raising livestock. It’s very enjoying game, that’s why it is very popular now with facebook fans. Today’s Hack Tip is all about FarmVille Golden Chicken Cheat, I know most of you are confused on how other FarmVille farmers do get a golden chicken in their farms. Just follow the instructions below to get one.
* Firefox 3.5
* Charles (google it)
* 2 Dairy Farm
* 1 Chicken Coop
1. Go to Farmville
2. Drag/Put a cow on your 1st Dairy Farm (leave the 2nd dairy farm empty)
3. Open Charles, Then find this line "" (X = 0, 1, or 2)
4. Click/Expand that line and you should get the gateway.php
5. Right Click on first "gateway.php" and Select "breakpoint”, Then, Refresh the game [F5]
6. Breakpoints tab will pop-up, so click EXECUTE
7. When the second pop-up appears, make sure you click "Edit Response" then choose AMF
8. Expand/Click the line till you get "player”, see below image (click for bigger view)
9. You change the cash to 100
10. Click Session 1 tab and unchecked breakpoint on gateway.php
11. Ok, back to Breakpoints tab, Click EXECUTE
12. Wow! You will notice that you have 100 cash on farmville
13. Click on your 1st Dairy Farm > Look Inside > Use
14. Drag/Move the cow to the second dairy Farm
15. Go Visit Your Friends and return back to your farm
16. Now, you will notice the second farm is ready to harvest, Give distance/space between the farmer and the second Dairy Farm
17. Click the Second Farm and then collect the milk
18. While your farmer moving to the dairy farm, you click market and purchase the golden chicken
19. Wait till the farmer harvest the milk to 100% and put the chicken directly to the chicken coop.
20. Wait till the sync error popped-up, and click Accept
21. You should get a golden chicken on your chicken coop after refreshing the game
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