Friday, April 23, 2010

FarmVille Tips for Novice Farmers

Are you a novice farmer here in FarmVille? There’s no need to worry anymore. Here in Bryan’s Blog, we do some Special FarmVille Tips for Vovice Farmers. No need to search for another site, just read the FarmVille Tips for Novice Farmers below and I assure you that by your next visit in FarmVille, you will be astounded upon visiting your farm. You’ll be happy and will keep on farming to obtain more experience and gain level-ups. As I said earlier, being a novice is not a problem here. Actually, we all start as a novice in the first place. For novice farmers, a helpful FarmVille Tips are given here. These will serve as a guide for all of you. Don’t be ashamed on yourself, maybe by understanding the tips, you will be top farmer in FarmVille in the next days.

Join a FarmVille Group

Being in a group is very essential for you. You can immediately add them to make them your neighbors. It will enable you to expand and especially, as you visit the farm of your neighbors, you will earn EXP and coins. They are capable in sending gifts to you and in return, you’re also capable in giving back gifts to them.

Create a separate feed for your Farmville friends

We are very lucky farmers, that Facebook gives us the chance to set up multiple friend lists and therefore we can generate a separate news feed for our Farmville friends only. The advantage to this is all of your Farmville friends will post when they level up or find a rare animal on their farm. The separate feed makes it easier to grab bonuses in FarmVille.

Use All the Space for Crops in the Beginning

There is no need to bother with such decorations when you are starting out. You must save your coins and engulf to activities which are gaining some profit. This will be your advantage. There are plenty of levels and there are much better gifts to unlock on later levels.


Hey guys! Want to know about the FarmVille Secrets? Or are you curios about what are the FarmVille Secrets? You’re in the right track! You can read about the FarmVille Secrets here. There’s nothing to pay for, it is all for FREE! Some are selling these renowned FarmVille Secrets but for you who are following my blog, it’s absolutely free. The only thing you will do is to click the link below to download the file. Be ready on what are the FarmVille Secrets, surely you’ll be surprised about the content. Learn the FarmVille Secrets here. Continue subscribing to Bryan’s Blog to be updated to the latest happening in the world of facebook game applications.


PDF reader

Download Farmville Secrets 1
Download Farmville Secrets 2


Famers! I miss you all. I have another glitch on your favorite facebook game Farmville. Want to know how this work? Well, I had researched for that only for you guys. It is a cheat on having a multiple chicken coop for free! This would be beneficial to all of you farmers. I am very sure of that! Just continue on subscribing to Darwin’s Blog to be updated to the latest facebook game hack/cheats. This glitch really works. I tried it myself! Just follow the instructions on the video. The video tutorial will show you how to receive multiple chicken coops by expanding your storage buildings. Try it now, since zynga will be trying to quickly fix this glitch.


Wondering about the Mystery Boxes in Farmville? Farmers would be so happy when they would get one from their farmland. Mystery Box itself is mysterious; you don’t what’s inside that box. The sure thing is you’ll get surprised the first time you’ll know the thing inside. Whatever it is, you’ll get excited upon seeing a mystery box. This Hack Tip will give you free mystery boxes. Continue subscribing to Bryan’s Blog to be updated to the latest facebook game cheats/hacks.

Just click on the Link below to get your free mystery boxes.

Basically the trick to this is ADDING a '0' before the '13' you see at the end of the url.
Example: h
ttp:// ,,,
add a " 0 " to make it promoID=013 for your second link,,,
0013 for your third and so on.. So add your own ZEROS to get even more mysteryboxes!


Hey farmers, want some Hack Tip? Farmville conquered every facebook fan’s time, busy playing the game or rather farming in his/her farmland. It’s like having an actual experience on how to farm. There would curious farmers that will come to think about another way of enjoying this game. Then a need for a cheat would arise because of this curiosity. No wonder I am making posts about facebook game cheats. Here’s another Hack Tip for you guys. Today’s Hack Tip is much complicated than the other ones. Just carefully follow the instructions to make this work. Continue subscribing to Bryan’s Blog to get the latest update on your favorite facebook game cheats.

Tools needed:
* Fiddler2 (Google this)
* .NET Framework 2.0 (Google this)

1. Open this url "" on your browser and save it in your desktop. (Ctrl+S to save)
2. Go to desktop and right click on game Settings. Click Open with and choose Wordpad
Find the word dairy farm. (CTRL+F to find), the word dairy farm must be in this line:

4. Below the line bull, add the item name you want to hack. For example, you want to hack Dancing Snow lady (snowman dancing), put this under the line bull.

Find the word "snowman dancing" (CTRL+F to find) and edit its price and its type.

Then after that, save it. (Ctrl+S to save)
Now open Fiddler2. On the right side of it, click AUTORESPONDER.
Check the boxes; Enable automatic request and Permit pass-through for unmatched request. Then click Add...
Now on Rule Editor (below), paste this -> "regex:(?insx)^http://.*game Settings\.xml$" Then
click the dropdown arrow and click Find a file... Then select game Settings found in your desktop.
(the file you edited earlier.)
Then click Save.
Now go to Farmville.
Go to Market on the Animal Section and buy the item you hacked. Put it inside your Dairy farm.
Now visit a friend and go back home. Click your Dairy farm and move out the item you hacked. (You can refresh your page if you want too)
*If you build the item on the ground and nothing appears, just visit a neighbor or refresh your page.
*Once you edit the price of the item. Edit this part. Ex. manorblack type="building" edit it to

type="animal". Then edit the price.
*If you see this market="cash" on the line, erase it.
*If you messed your xml file or your fv don’t fully load, clear cache/cookies and start at step 1.


Farmers, get ready to farm new seeds! Farmville is getting way too exciting with the latest upgrades. I know all of the farmers want some Hack Tip for this game application. After the long wait farmers, I have here now the latest Time Exploit Hacks in Farmville. Who would not want this? Well, I don’t know who. But I am very concerned to the farmers who will need this. Want to be updated to the latest cheats/hacks? Just continue subscribing to Bryan’s Blog to get the latest facebook game cheats/hacks. Follow the instructions correctly to get results.

-Firefox 3.5
-File named saqib244b [Link]
-image instructions [Link]


1. Go into farmville
2. Open New Tab and write "about:cache?" on URL Address Bar and Hit Enter ( w/o quotes )
3. Then , Click "List Cache Entries" under Disk Cache Device menu ( the second one )
4. Press CTRL+F , and search for price_test
5. Click on the Entry
6. Ok .. Now , on the 7th row/line , You can read file on disk
7. Copy last digits at end of line i-e cache\471xxxxxxxx . (copy number starting with 471xxxxxxxx)
8. Ok , Back to the file , Rename the file saqib244b to 471xxxxxxxxx
9. Search your computer for name of your file or you can manualy go to C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\np85hx1l.default\Cache
10. Replace the file with the new one (471xxxxxxxx)
11. Refresh the game


Curious about the game Farmville? FarmVille is a real-time farm simulation game developed by Zynga, available as an application on the social networking website Facebook. The game allows members of Facebook to manage a virtual farm by planting, growing and harvesting virtual crops, trees, and raising livestock. It’s very enjoying game, that’s why it is very popular now with facebook fans. Today’s Hack Tip is all about FarmVille Golden Chicken Cheat, I know most of you are confused on how other FarmVille farmers do get a golden chicken in their farms. Just follow the instructions below to get one.


* Firefox 3.5
* Charles (google it)
* 2 Dairy Farm
* 1 Chicken Coop


1. Go to Farmville
2. Drag/Put a cow on your 1st Dairy Farm (leave the 2nd dairy farm empty)
3. Open Charles, Then find this line "" (X = 0, 1, or 2)
4. Click/Expand that line and you should get the gateway.php
5. Right Click on first "gateway.php" and Select "breakpoint”, Then, Refresh the game [F5]
6. Breakpoints tab will pop-up, so click EXECUTE
7. When the second pop-up appears, make sure you click "Edit Response" then choose AMF
8. Expand/Click the line till you get "player”, see below image (click for bigger view)

9. You change the cash to 100
10. Click Session 1 tab and unchecked breakpoint on gateway.php
11. Ok, back to Breakpoints tab, Click EXECUTE
12. Wow! You will notice that you have 100 cash on farmville
13. Click on your 1st Dairy Farm > Look Inside > Use
14. Drag/Move the cow to the second dairy Farm
15. Go Visit Your Friends and return back to your farm
16. Now, you will notice the second farm is ready to harvest, Give distance/space between the farmer and the second Dairy Farm
17. Click the Second Farm and then collect the milk
18. While your farmer moving to the dairy farm, you click market and purchase the golden chicken
19. Wait till the farmer harvest the milk to 100% and put the chicken directly to the chicken coop.
20. Wait till the sync error popped-up, and click Accept
21. You should get a golden chicken on your chicken coop after refreshing the game

Farmville Designs 2010

Zynga's famous Facebook game, Farmville has been coming up with new ideas and items that keeps all the fan's of this farm game happy. Why not be the envy of your Farmville neighbors by coming up with the best Farmville Designs also called best Farmville Layouts. I have made it a goal to post screencaptures of Farmville farm designs on this page so you could use it as an inspiration when designing your farm in Farmville. You could check my previous posts below on some of the best Farmville designs that Farmville players like you have posted.

Elevated Farmville Land Picture

Farmville Designs | Facebook Farmville Layouts

FarmVille Stacking Tutorial | Farmville Stacking Techniques

Farmville Tricks on Stacking and Fence Elevation Video Tutorial

New Farmville Designs and Layouts

If you have been playing Farmville a lot, you probably noticed that the Farmville farm designs of your neighbors have been slowly changing. One of the reasons is that you can now see a list of new accessories in Farmville. Aside from the normal addition to the accessories, there are also seasonal Farmville accessories that are only available for purchase at certain times. Here's one designs that I like.

You can see in this picture how nicely he/she executed the Farmville Elevation concept. That Farmville layout definitely stands out among all the layouts I have seen. Pretty soon, I will be back to posting more Elevated Farmville Farms, new Farmville Designs, Farmville Layouts and Farmville related information including Farmville Cheats!

You might also want to check out my related posts:

Farmville Design
Farmville Layouts
Elevated Farmville Picture
Elevated Farmville Land Picture

Multiple Chicken Coop Glitch in Farmville | Farmville Cheats

In Farmville, there is a glitch that will let you come up with Multiple Chicken Coops. To be able to do this Farmville Cheat, you can follow the video on how to receive multiple chicken coops in Farmville just by expanding your storage building. Take advantage of this now while Zynga hasn't patched it yet.

FarmVille Cheats and Tricks That Work | FarmVille Tips

A guide to cheats and tricks for gaining experience levels quickly and making more money on FarmVille, popular game on Facebook. Cheats and tricks are tested and guaranteed to work on helping you quickly gain experience level points.

The best game application on Facebook is FarmVille, which is similar to YoVille and FarmTown. Playing FarmVille with your Facebook friends is fun and free. It takes money to build the best farm, but it also takes gaining experience level points in order to advance. When you advance in FarmVille, you are able to buy seeds that pay better money when harvesting and you can also buy a larger farm. Cheats and tricks, as well as hints for FarmVille are useful when you want to get to a higher level quickly, make more money, get better gifts, buy better decorations or even help friends out by sending them multiple gifts on the same day.

FarmVille cheats and tricks are available online but many of them do not work. You can gain experience by simply playing the game, and you do not have to download any additional programs in order to cheat FarmVille. Farming is all about hard work and you do have to put some elbow grease into it if you wish to have the best and biggest farm on Facebook. I have found these FarmVille cheats and tested them on my own. Although I enjoy playing the game fairly, I like to test out a new method in order to help someone else out.

FarmVille Experience Level Points Cheat That Works

When you are playing FarmVille sometimes you will run into the problem of having a lot of money but not available land to plant more seeds order to get experience points. This cheat is useful when you are also very close to a higher experience level but have no plots available to plow or harvest for points. You do need some money saved up in order to use this trick, so do not buy decorations or spend FarmVille coins on things that will not gain experience points.

To get started you will need 10 plots that are empty or need to be plowed. Calculate how much money you will need to plant what you really want to harvest, such as watermelons that take 4 days to harvest but sell for 348 FarmVille coins. You will not planting watermelons right away in these plots so be patient, reserve 1300 FarmVille coins for seeds planting and 150 coins for plowing those future watermelon plots.

To start this FarmVille cheat that really works, plow your 10 plots and buy soybeans. It will cost 150 coins to plow and 150 coins to plant soybeans, but delete those plot using the shovel tool immediately after seeds have been planted.

Now you might wonder why you should delete FarmVille plots in order to gain experience level points, but plowing and planting soybeans will gain you 30 points on those 10 plots. You can repeat this cheat process, each time it will cost 300 FarmVille coins in order plow and plant, then delete using the shovel. You will see your FarmVille experiences quickly rising and coming closer to the next level where your ultimate goal is. After you have accumulated all the wanted experiences and gained a new level, you can plant the exact seeds that you wanted to buy. Experience level FarmVille cheat can be done as quickly as you can plow, plant and delete. You can even expedite the process by using your harvester, tractor and seeder if you already have them.

Getting Unlimited Gifts On FarmVille Cheat That Works

The best FarmVille cheat that will get you free coins is sending multiple gifts from one Facebook account. You can ask a friend or a family member that is already playing FarmVille to help you out with this. Return the favor by sending multiple gifts to them on FarmVille using the same trick. In order to use this trick to get more coins fast you will need to use FireFox instead of Internet Explorer.

Login to Facebook and go to Farmville, then click on Free Gifts. Instead of selecting and sending the item right away, right click on the button Free Gifts and select “Open in new window”. Continue doing so until you have several windows opened. I have tested this FarmVille trick with up to 10 windows opened at the same time. Do it late at night or early in the morning, when Facebook is less busy and you will not get error messages in the browser.

On each window, select gifts and you can select a different gift to give in each browser. Then select your FarmVille friends. Again you can select different users in each browser to send gifts to using this cheat. Continue to the window of confirming to Send free gift to FarmVille friends. Click on confirm and Send button one after one, and each window will send out that gift. This trick is also called unlimited gift cheat, as you can open up as many windows as your computer can handle as long as they are opened at the same time, and confirmation is done once all of the opened windows are at the confirm to send option.

Friends and family can send you unlimited gifts on FarmVille the same way or you can open up a fake Facebook account to send yourself gifts to. Facebook though does not always appreciate fake users, due to the fear of spamming, so sharing this trick with FarmVille buddies works best to get unlimited gifts every day.

Getting Free Coins FarmVille Cheat That Works

The cheat to get free FarmVille coins is very simple, sell your multiple gifts that you receive daily. Animals and trees look nice, but I think that they take up space that can be used for real money making by planting and harvesting. You can keep a few animals such as goats, horses and chickens on FarmVille because they pay good in coins when goodies are collected. As far as trees go, cherry and peach trees are completely useless and do not pay well. Banana, olive and date trees pay better coins when harvested so you can keep a few of those and get rid of the rest.

Now, you can still get every gift using FarmVille and get it in unlimited amounts on a daily basis. Just instead of keeping them - sell them! I receive trees on FarmVille and keep them for harvest only once, then sell them immediately after harvesting is completed. At the time the tree is gifted to you it did not cost a coin, so it’s okay to use it for one harvest. After that it takes too long for it to complete and it will take up space. Use coins collected from selling trees and animals to buy soybeans seeds for your experience level cheat.

Building the best and biggest farm of FarmVille takes hard work, and planting, harvesting and plowing multiple times a day. That is the best way to gain the most out of FarmVille and is not even a cheat, it’s more of a helpful hint. FarmVille requires doing a little math in order to harvest in a timely manner.

FarmVille gives you a set amount of time until your crops can be harvested. If pumpkins take 8 hours to grow, you have an additional 8 hours to harvest that crop after it has finished growing. When planting, add the same amount of time it takes to grow to the time it takes to harvest and that is how long you have until the crop goes bad. I do not plant raspberries, they give you no experience points but can help get ribbons. I have only planted and harvested raspberries once on FarmVille, since that was all that “Green Thumb” ribbon required.

Blueberries pay the most FarmVille coins and can make you good money during the day, when you are available to plant and harvest multiple times a day. It takes four hours for blueberries to grow and you can harvest them while at work or playing on the computer. Do this multiple times a day and then at night plant a crop such as tomatoes and pumpkins that take eight hours to grow. You will have eight hours for them to finish growing, but also an additional eight hours to harvest in case you are not up early in the morning. Aloe Vera takes 6 hours to grow, or you can plant Rice which takes 12 hours to grow and you can harvest this crop on FarmVille as soon as you get up in the morning.

Never plant only one crop on your entire farm in FarmVille. Plant different items and combine blueberries, tomatoes, pumpkins, watermelons and grapes. For lower levels, try a mix of strawberries, soybeans and rice. This helps time pass by and it will keep you harvesting throughout the day, which then gets you FarmVille coins and allows you to gain a lot of experience points all day long.

If you insist on having FarmVille animals, then move them to the side where only one row of space is left. They do not need a large enclosed pen in order to live, and especially since animals do not get your experience points on FarmVille. Many of them just take up space and do not get you a lot of FarmVille coins. So push them off to the side, and utilize maximum space for your FarmVille plots. The best FarmVille cheat that works is remembering that planting and harvesting crops pays the most coins, and not animal collecting.

FarmVille Stacking Tutorial | Farmville Stacking Techniques

Farmville Stacking Tutorial. I have posted multiple entries regarding How to Stack Fences in Farmville -- hay bales too! For those people who don't know this Farmville Stacking Technique categorized under Farmville Tricks, here a stacking tutorial plus pictures!

This Farmville stacking technique is actually an illusion. It uses Farmville's 3D environment in the isometric view to achieve the stacking effect.

Check the pictures and Farmville Stacking Video Tutorial so you can use it for your farm.
Elephants Storage and Hay Bale Storage
by Vio

Floating Hales Illusion
by Charizard

Elevation with fences
by Daboo

by nizar dirawi

Farmville Extreme Manager | Automate your tasks in Farmville! | Farmville Hacks

Farmville Extreme Manager

Farmville is extremely addictive!! However, it really takes time to perform Farm tasks. How would you like it if you can automate your Farmville tasks, letting you do that things you want to do yet thrive in Farmville?

If Yes is your answer, then Farmville Extreme Manager is right for you. This is the best Farmville Hack tool/utility. You'll be able to manage your farm and level up faster and easier in Farmville than ever.
With Farming Extreme Manager you can:

- Automatically Harvest, Plow and Plant your farm!
- Automatically Collect from your Animals!
- Automatically Harvest your Trees
- Automatically Accomplish Ribbons!
- Automatically help every neighbor and fertilize their farms!
- Level Up Really Fast using the plow/plant/destroy trick! (Up to 80,000 exp per day!)
- Automatically repeat everything indefinitely!
(you can plant multiple times while you sleep. The application will close every pop-up message that shows up and even reloads your farm in case of an out-of-sync error)

You can download the tools below:

Farmville Autohacker (Download Here)
Microsoft .Net 3.5 (Download Here)
Farming Extreme Manager 3

Updated Farmville Coin and Level Hack - unpatched and faster than the previous coin hack | Facebook Cheats

Updated Farmville Coin and Level Hack. This Facebook Hack is more of a glitch. As of the moment it is unpatched and still works. Try it before Zynga patches it.

Here are the tools you need:
Storage - 2 Red barn OR 1 barn 1 Tool Shed (Must have more than six so we can have next page on storage)
Any Item(Preferred Villa) higher the price the more exp and coins(*But first try this on lower price item to check if working)

1.Open Farmville
2.Store Villa to storage.(Make sure villa is on the lower panel of storage)
3.Click the storage building and click "Look inside"
4.Select Villa and click Use. (Don't do anything yet!)(Make sure Villa is in transparent mode and not yet positioned on the map)
5.Click Gift Box and select Storage box
6.You will see that Villa is still there.
7.Now Select Villa and click Sell.
8.A confirmation will popup.Don't click anything yet!
9.Click next page of storage then click back page again to see the Sell button of villa is enabled again. Then Click Sell Again.(Then Do step 9 as many as you want or use mouse clicker to automate or spam)
10.After you are satisfied click accept. you will notice that confirmation popup keep prompting again and again just click accept and look at your coins.
11.When done.
12.You will see that you are still holding the Villa.
13.Now put the villa directly on the storage.(See that you still have the Villa in the storage but you gain EXP and Coins)
14.Do it over and over again to gain coins then sell villa to level up.

Farmville Hacks | Auto adopt, Get bonus, Hatch egg, Get bouquet and More!

To perform the Farmville Hacks I'll share with you today which will allow you to auto adopt, get bonus, hatch egg, get bouquet and more, you should have the following:

-Grease Monkey If you dont have greasemonkey, you can download it for free here.

1. After installation, restart Firefox.
2. Install the script by clicking HERE!
3. This script automatically accepts bonuses, bouquets, animals, and eggs.
4. Each can be disabled by using the options interface in the user script commands.
5. Enable this at your Facebook home page. To enable Grease Monkey, right-click the monkey icon on the bottom-right corner of your Firefox.

Farmville Elevation | Farmville Tips

Elevating your farm in Farmville is quite easy. All you have to do is take advantage of Farmville's 3d isometric environment and stack your items in Farmville the proper way. If you are still confused on how this is done, try checking my post on Farmville Elevation. I have made multiple posts regarding Farmville farm elevation. I also have Farmville Designs which includes Elevated Farmville Pictures. It's in a separate category which you can see on the left pane.

Below, I have posted another Farmville Elevation Video Tutorial which you can use to further your Farmville elevation endeavor. Hope this helps! Send me your Farmville Designs and I will post them with credits to you.

Create A Skyscraper in Farmville Video Tutorial | Farmville Designs

Interesting enough, the Elevated Farmville farm concept has taken a spin and has escalated to skyscrapers! Yes. That's right. People are not just elevating their farms they use the knowledge they have earned in Farmville farm elevation to Create Skyscrapers in Farmville. I have posted below some video tutorials on creating a skyscraper in Farmville.

In addition, the Farmville Elevation technique can also be used to create Designs in Farmville that resemble an elevated hill, terraces, and building. Buildings in Farmville are possible. It's just a matter of Stacking your fences in Farmville correctly.

Farmville Designs | Facebook Farmville Layouts

Many of you may have already been addicted to the Facebook game Farmville. It really is more than just plowing and planting crops. There is a side to it which hearkens you to exploit your creative prowess. If you are looking for Farmville Designs which can spark inspiration to your landscape design endeavor, check Bryan's Blog regularly. I will update THIS page and upload more Farm Designs in Farmville. It will probably include the coveted elevated Farmville farm layouts, creative use of plants to showcase a graphic design and some eye-catching Farmville designs that will make you say, "Why didn't I think of that?"

If you are reading this page and you're an avid Farmville Design fan, please BOOKMARK THIS PAGE now and watch out for a lot Farmville Design Pictures, Images and Photos.

Here are a few designs I've managed to capture:

Below, I have posted Winter Farmville Layouts that will hopefully inspire you to design your Farmville farm for the winter. I will continue adding more Farmville Designs for Winter soon.

Download Cheat Engine Free

Cheat Engine is a very useful open source tool for various purposes and uses. It is valuable for those who want to change parameters within the games they play, for those who want to debug games or even cheat and hack games.

Download link after the jump

It uses memory scanner to enable you to change memory variables inside a game. For example, it can change variables of money, EXP, levels, items, awards, goals and so forth in many different games. It also contains a speedhack tool.

This is a must have tool for Facebook game players who want to cheat, however we don't necessary encourage the use of it. Use at your own risk, as you might get banned from Facebook games by using Cheat Engine. You can Download Cheat Engine for free at the link below.

Download Link:
Download Cheat Engine 5.5

Elevated Farmville Design Picture 2

It has been long since I posted a picture of a Farmville design that showcases the Elevated Farmville Land concept. Here's a picture of a farmville elevation that looks more of a center island with a flight of stairs leading up to it. Very nifty use of the Farmville elevation concept. Hope you guys enjoy!

You can also check my previous post on Farmville Tricks on Stacking and Fence Elevation Video Tutorial